Make your data immersive

pyReality is a Python package for creating immersive data visualisations.

Holographic Visualisations

pyReality is a Python library that lets users rapidly create immersive data visualisations in Jupyter Notebooks. pyReality leverages WebXR to render mixed reality visualisations in browsers making them more accessible. Once created, these visualisations can be viewed using a head-mounted display and configured via the Jupyter Notebooks' interface.

Get started by using the examples provided in the documentation.

Jupyter Notebooks

Visualisation Types

Choose from three visualisation types based on your data and analysis requirements.

Immersive Scatter Plot

pyReality uses Babylon.js to render an immersive scatterplot. While still in its infancy, the scatter plot allows users to configure basic parameters like input data, colour, size etc.

3D Bar Chart

pyReality uses VRIA to render 3D bar charts. The bar chart allows users to configure advanced parameters provided by VRIA based on Vega-lite grammar.

3D Scatter Plot

pyReality uses VRIA to render 3D scatter plots. The bar chart allows users to configure advanced parameters provided by VRIA based on Vega-lite grammar.


View these data visualisation examples in immersive reality to see what pyReality can do.


Read more detailed instructions and documentation on using or contributing to pyReality.

This project has been created for the Design Informatics masters dissertation